We are a small historic theater in the heart of Logan, Ohio with a beautiful event space (available for rent) and an auditorium (in the process of becoming just as stunning).
Leave your legacy!
A seat sponsorship includes
a personalized inscription plaque to be placed on your sponsored seat.
Consider donating through Merchants National Bank locations, sending a check, or clicking the donate button to donate online.
The Logan Theater is proud to announce we have received $4.9 million from the State of Ohio to complete the renovation of the auditorium! Read more below.
We're on the lookout for volunteers to join us "behind the scenes" to help create more wonderful memories here at the Logan Theater. Interested? Follow the link!
88 East Main Street, Logan, Ohio 43138, United States
(740) 385-3012 P.O. Box 1002 Logan, OH 4318 info@logantheater.org